Lahore 9th November, 2022: PAAPAM Skill Development Center in collaboration with PMX will be conducting a workshop on Export Marketing on Monday Nov 14, 2022 at its Skill Development Center, Lahore Pakistan.
Imtiaz Ali Rastgar, CBI Consultant Netherlands, will be conducting this workshop to sensitize the PAAPAM members and auto parts manufacturers on to serve the global demand and achieve economy of scale by going global.
Mr. Imtiaz Ali Rastgar bringing you the decades of experience in export. The company, Rastgar Engineering, which he founded in 1967 was exporting heavy axle parts to more than 70 countries by the time he retired from it.
He served as CEO and VP of the Engineering Development Board of Pakistan 2004-2007. His services were acquired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CBI, The Netherlands as an Engineering Sector Expert 2007-2017.
Now his consultancy and export marketing company PMX is available to all companies desiring to grow by going global.

Send your confirmations by Saturday, November 12, 2022 to following Contact
Muhammad Imran
Coordinator PSDC